What the Wild Sea Can Be

96,00 lei
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What the Wild Sea Can Be
96,00 lei

Categorii: Diverse, Diverse

Limba: Engleza

Data publicării: 2024

Editura: Atlantic Books

Tip copertă: Paperback

Nr Pag: 320

ISBN: 9781804710517

Dimensiuni: l: 15cm | H: 23cm | 2.7cm | 442g

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What the Wild Sea Can Be
96,00 lei


No matter where we live, 'we are all ocean people,' Helen Scales observes in her bracing yet hopeful exploration of the future of the ocean. Beginning with its fascinating deep history, Scales links past to present to show how prehistoric ocean ecology holds lessons for the ocean of today.

In elegant, evocative prose, she takes us into the realms of animals that epitomize current increasingly challenging conditions, from emperor penguins to sharks and orcas. Yet despite these threats, many hopeful signs remain, in the form of highly protected reserves, the regeneration of seagrass meadows and giant kelp forests and efforts to protect coral reefs.

Offering innovative ideas for protecting coastlines and cleaning the toxic seas, Scales insists we need more ethical and sustainable fisheries and must prevent the other existential threat of deep-sea mining. Inspiring us all to maintain a sense of awe and wonder at the majesty beneath the waves, she urges us to fight for the better future that still exists for the ocean.

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