The Midnight Switch

51,00 lei
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The Midnight Switch
51,00 lei

Categorii: Diverse, Diverse

Varsta Recomandata: 10-12 ani

Limba: Engleza

Data publicării: 2023

Editura: Usborne Publishing

Tip copertă: Paperback

Nr Pag: 368

ISBN: 9781474970655

Dimensiuni: l: 13cm | H: 19.8cm | 2.2cm

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The Midnight Switch
51,00 lei


A spooky, quirky adventure of curses and magic, perfect for fans of Malamander and A Place Called Perfect.

When Lewis's family moves to a faraway town called Barrow, he can't quite put his finger on what feels so strange about his new home. Everyone is obsessed with superstition, and an old story about floods and witches and a curse, while a mysterious bird watches his every move.

Then his family friend Moira arrives to stay. Only, there's something peculiar about Moira too. She doesn't know where she's from, or even when she's from, and strange things happen around her. Lewis and Moira are determined to figure out what's going on in Barrow, but as they unravel secret symbols, riddles and stories of a midnight curse, they find that there might be some truth in the old town tales.

Time is running out, before magic switches up everything they know...

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