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The DIY Cook
163,00 lei

Categorii: Diverse

Limba: Engleza

Data publicării: 2015

Editura: Fig Tree

Tip copertă: Hardcover

Nr Pag: 320

ISBN: 9780241145708

Dimensiuni: l: 19.6cm | H: 25.1cm | 2.8cm

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The DIY Cook
163,00 lei


If you're a Food Adventurer, you cook for pleasure. You love trying out new dishes on family and friends, and you never miss a chance to improve your knowledge and skills. You're at your happiest when you have hours to devote to a fascinating recipe.

In THE DIY COOK, each chapter is led not by recipes but 'projects': nuts-and-bolts guides for the food lover with free time for fun in the kitchen. Constructing a cassoulet, boning and stuffing a pig's trotter, building a trifle. Each project inspires related but simpler recipes, skipping across time, cultures and cuisines.

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