Colectie: Tarcher Master Mind Editions
ISBN: 9781585428960
Dimensiuni: l: 21.9cm | H: 27.4cm | 2.6cm | 860g
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill has become the must-have bible of prosperity and success for millions of readers since its initial publication in 1937. Now from the number-one publisher of Napoleon Hill's books comes the most complete and essential edition of Think and Grow Rich yet. For the first time in one volume, this classic book will include these powerful tools: · the original 1937 text of Hill's classic book · an all-new Introduction · pull-out quotes for memorisation and inspiration · additional quotes on success from history's greatest lives · Success Questions at the end of each chapter · Success Action-Steps that tie in to each of Hill's Thirteen Steps to Riches · articles on success, prosperity and Napoleon Hill by such people as Andrew Carnegie and others · a biography of Napoleon Hill · special lay-flat binding · French flaps · and more! Published in the easy-to-use large format the same trim as The Think and Grow Rich Workbook and The Think and Grow Rich Success Journal this is the only edition that serious students of Think and Grow Rich will want to use to understand the original text fully and put it into action in their lives.