Tales of Wedding Rings - Volume 5

77,00 lei
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Tales of Wedding Rings - Volume 5
77,00 lei

Varsta Recomandata: 16-18 ani

Limba: Engleza

Data publicării: 2019

Editura: Yen Press

Tip copertă: Paperback

Nr Pag: 176

Serie: Tales of Wedding Rings

Volum Din Serie: 5

ISBN: 9781975354107

Dimensiuni: l: 14.5cm | H: 21cm | 1.8cm | 245g

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Tales of Wedding Rings - Volume 5
77,00 lei


The final Ring Princess awaits! But before the harem is completed...the world's going to end!? Satou heads to the Kingdom of Earth, but it's already been devastated, and there's no sign of the princess...

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