The Illearth War

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The Illearth War
48,00 lei

Limba: Engleza

Data publicării: 2019

Editura: HarperCollins

Tip copertă: Paperback

Nr Pag: 576

Serie: The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever

Volum Din Serie: 2

ISBN: 9780008287412

Dimensiuni: l: 13cm | H: 20cm | 270g

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The Illearth War
48,00 lei


Instantly recognised as a modern fantasy classic, Stephen Donaldson’s uniquely imaginative and complex THE CHRONICLES OF THOMAS COVENANT, THE UNBELIEVER became a bestselling literary phenomenon that transformed the genre.

Against his will, Thomas Covenant is drawn once again out of our reality and into the strange and magical alternative world known as the Land.

But forty years have passed in the Land since Covenant’s last visit – forty years in which the evil Lord Foul has grown in power and built an unstoppable army. Covenant must act fast or abandon the Land to complete destruction.

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