The hilarious adventures of the acclaimed mystery writer Agatha Christie as a child—a curious little girl who treats the everyday world as one big crime scene!
As an unusual child with a penchant for puzzles, Young Agatha imagines thrilling twists on the classic fairytales (was the story of "Goldilocks" a plot by Baby Bear to get more porridge?), transforms a tea party into a crime scene, and in general drives her friends and family mad with her insatiable inquisitiveness.
As with Young Mozart and Young Leonardo, William Augel offers a comic tale that is both enriching and amusing, full of humor and tenderness!
The graphic novel Young Agatha Christie – written and illustrated by William Augel – provides a tender and comedic peek into the imagined childhood of Agatha Christie, one of the most famous writers of the 20th century and the best-selling novelist of all time. Through a collection of interwoven vignettes, Augel reimagines young Agatha’s early life in 1900s England to reveal how her fascination with mystery and crime might have been sparked during her youth.
- For fans of Agatha Christie! (Hercule Poirot, Murder on the Orient Express, Death on the Nile)
- Iconic female protagonist
- Interactive games and puzzles throughout!
- Additional section with educational facts
- Fun, humorous vignettes based on Agatha Christie's early life
- Includes educational activities
- Great for teachers and librarians
- For fans of comic strips like Calvin and Hobbes
- For Ages 8 and Up!
- A fantastic introduction to writing, solving puzzles, critical thinking