Walking the Bones of Britain

70,00 lei
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Walking the Bones of Britain
70,00 lei

Categorii: Diverse, Diverse

Limba: Engleza

Data publicării: 2024

Editura: Penguin Books

Tip copertă: Paperback

Nr Pag: 432

ISBN: 9781804991060

Dimensiuni: l: 13cm | H: 20cm | 320g

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Walking the Bones of Britain
70,00 lei


The influence Britain’s geology has had on our daily lives is profound. While we may be unaware of it, every aspect of our history has been affected by events that happened ten thousand, a million, or a thousand million years ago.

In Walking the Bones of Britain, Christopher Somerville takes a journey of a thousand miles, beginning in the far north, at the three-billion-year-old rocks of the Isle of Lewis, formed when the world was still molten, and travelling south-eastwards to the furthest corner of Essex, where new land is being formed. Crossing bogs, scaling peaks and skirting quarry pits, he unearths the stories bound up in the layers of rock beneath our feet, and examines how they have influenced everything from how we farm to how we build our houses, from the Industrial Revolution to the current climate crisis.

Told with characteristic humour and insight, this gripping exploration of the British landscape and its remarkable history cannot fail to change the way you see the world beyond your door.

Somerville’s infectious enthusiasm and wry humour infuse his journey from the Isle of Lewis to southern England, revealing our rich geological history with vibrant local and natural history. -- Observer

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