Visions of the Bauhaus Books

188,00 lei
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Visions of the Bauhaus Books
188,00 lei

Categorii: Diverse

Limba: Engleza

Data publicării: 2019

Editura: Niggli Verlag

Tip copertă: Paperback

Nr Pag: 256

ISBN: 9783721209921

Dimensiuni: l: 18.3cm | H: 22.8cm

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Visions of the Bauhaus Books
188,00 lei


The 14 Bauhaus books, edited by Walter Gropius and László Moholy-Nagy, were published between 1925 and 1930. Their authors discussed design principles, practices, and artistic approaches from various perspectives. Johannes Rinkenburger has examined and researched the contents and key concepts of this avant-garde series of books along with their backgrounds and context and elaborates their application and importance for current design schools. Based on design experiments, new links and correlations are established and methods shown that reveal, and apply the legacy of Bauhaus, one of the historically most important design schools worldwide, to contemporary design. In the visual illustrations, which make up a large part of the publication, individual concepts and methods of the Bauhaus books are combined, contemplated on and implemented using today's graphic design methods and techniques.

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