The Truth Must Dazzle Gradually

55,00 lei
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The Truth Must Dazzle Gradually
55,00 lei

Categorii: Diverse

Limba: Engleza

Data publicării: 2021

Editura: Penguin Books

Tip copertă: Paperback

Nr Pag: 352

ISBN: 9781405935173

Dimensiuni: l: 13cm | H: 19.8cm | 243g

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The Truth Must Dazzle Gradually
55,00 lei


On an island off the west coast of Ireland, the Moone family gathers.

Maeve is an actor, struggling with her most challenging role yet - as a mother to four children. Murtagh, her devoted husband, is a potter whose craft brought them from the city to this rural life.

In the wake of one fateful night, the Moone siblings must learn the story of who their parents truly are, and what has happened since their first meeting, years before, outside Trinity College in Dublin.

We watch as one love story gives rise to another, until we arrive at a future that none of the Moones could have predicted.

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