The Lunar Cats

57,00 lei
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The Lunar Cats
57,00 lei

Categorii: Diverse

Limba: Engleza

Data publicării: 2016

Editura: Century Books

Tip copertă: Hardcover

Nr Pag: 304

ISBN: 9781780896724

Dimensiuni: l: 13.8cm | H: 20.4cm

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The Lunar Cats
57,00 lei


By the bestselling author of Eats, Shoots & Leaves and Cat Out of Hell, a nail-biting tale of good versus evil involving one man, his dog and a group of 18th-century amateur scientific pioneers who just happen to be cats.

When you are an inoffensive retired librarian with bitter personal experience of Evil Talking Cats, do you rescue a kitten from the cold on a December night?

Do you follow up news items about cats digging in graveyards?

Do you inquire into long-ago cats who voyaged around the world with Captain Cook?

Well, yes. If you are Alec Charlesworth that is precisely what you do - with unexpected and terrifying consequences ...

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