The History of America

128,00 lei
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The History of America
128,00 lei

Categorii: Diverse, Diverse

Limba: Engleza

Data publicării: 2023

Editura: Amber Books Ltd

Tip copertă: Paperback

Nr Pag: 224

Colectie: Bloody Histories

ISBN: 9781838862725

Dimensiuni: l: 19cm | H: 24cm | 1cm | 620g

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The History of America
128,00 lei


'America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.

' - Abraham Lincoln Is the story of the United States that of George Washington, John Adams and Barack Obama? Or of slave rebel Nat Turner, of Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King? Or Sitting Bull and Al Capone? Or Marilyn Monroe, James Dean and OJ Simpson?

Of course, it is the story of all these, of both civil war and world war, of gold rush and dust bowl, of the Pilgrim Fathers and religious cults, of Prohibition and the Mafia, of the Salem Witch Trials and the McCarthy-era witch-hunts.

From the Iroquois and early European settlers to the Revolutionary War and Civil War, from slavery to segregation, from the frontier to the Reservations, The History of America is a chronological examination of the United States through politics, labour, big business, crime and culture. Featuring such varied characters as Thomas Jefferson and John Brown, Bugsy Siegel and J P Morgan, Calamity Jane, Chuck Berry and Bonnie & Clyde, it tells the story of the first 'new nation', the first major colony to revolt successfully against colonial rule, and how it became the world's most powerful country.

Extensively researched and illustrated with 180 black-&-white artworks and illustrations, The History of America is a lively and fascinating account of the darker side of the story of the United States.

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