The Burnout Epidemic

148,00 lei
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The Burnout Epidemic
148,00 lei

Categorii: Diverse, Diverse

Limba: Engleza

Data publicării: 2021

Editura: Harvard Business Review Press

Tip copertă: Hardcover

Nr Pag: 256

ISBN: 9781647820367

Dimensiuni: l: 15.5cm | H: 23.4cm | 3cm | 578g

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The Burnout Epidemic
148,00 lei


In this powerful book, happiness expert Jennifer Moss explains why burnout is so rampant—and provides simple, researched-based solutions for helping employees minimize stress and building happier workplaces.

  • Research-based findings about the real causes of burnout.
  • Practical, how-to advice for managers and leaders.
  • New data and surveys on the pandemic's effect on burnout.
  • Success stories from companies—from before and during the pandemic.

Audience: Managers and leaders; HR professionals.

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