My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, As I Expected - Volume 14

84,00 lei
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My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, As I Expected - Volume 14
84,00 lei

Categorii: Diverse

Varsta Recomandata: 14-16 ani, 16-18 ani

Limba: Engleza

Data publicării: 2022

Editura: Yen Press

Tip copertă: Paperback

Nr Pag: 264

Ilustrator: Wataru Watari

Serie: My Youth Romantic Comedy is Wrong, As I Expected

Volum Din Serie: 14

ISBN: 9781975325015

Dimensiuni: l: 14cm | H: 21cm | 2.6cm | 386g

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My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, As I Expected - Volume 14
84,00 lei


At long last, spring is here again. Although the routine is much the same, each day is always new.

After all the hardships, struggles, and mistakes, all they can do is ask the same question as always and search for new answers.

Hachiman has struggled to answer that question truthfully, and his relationships have suffered for it-but it's time
for that to change.

This romantic comedy has gone wrong enough times.

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