My Lovesick Life as a '90s Otaku - Volume 3

71,00 lei
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My Lovesick Life as a '90s Otaku - Volume 3
71,00 lei

Categorii: Diverse, Kodansha

Varsta Recomandata: 14-16 ani, 16-18 ani

Limba: Engleza

Data publicării: 2024

Editura: Kodansha

Tip copertă: Paperback

Nr Pag: 180

Serie: My Lovesick Life as a '90s Otaku

Volum Din Serie: 3

ISBN: 9781646519699

Dimensiuni: l: 14.6cm | H: 20.8cm

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My Lovesick Life as a '90s Otaku - Volume 3
71,00 lei


Megumi has finally uncovered the truth of her crush Masamune’s hatred of otaku—and its connection to his mother Fujiko. Determined to help, Megumi takes action, but can she work up the courage to reveal her own otaku nature to him? The plot thickens (and the target audience broadens) with the arrival of an even earlier otaku generation!

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