Lobbying for Zionism on Both Sides of the Atlantic

192,00 lei
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Lobbying for Zionism on Both Sides of the Atlantic
192,00 lei

Categorii: Diverse

Limba: Engleza

Data publicării: 2024

Editura: Oneworld Publications

Tip copertă: Hardcover

Nr Pag: 608

ISBN: 9780861544028

Dimensiuni: l: 16cm | H: 24cm | 5cm | 870g

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Lobbying for Zionism on Both Sides of the Atlantic
192,00 lei


In 1896, a Jewish state was a pipe dream. Today the overwhelming majority of Jews identify as Zionists. How did this happen?

Ilan Pappe unveils how over a century of aggressive lobbying changed the map of the Middle East. Pro-Israel lobbies convinced British and American policymakers to condone Israel's flagrant breaches of international law, grant Israel unprecedented military aid and deny Palestinians rights. Anyone who questioned unconditional support for Israel, even in the mildest terms, became the target of relentless smear campaigns.

Lobbying for Zionism on Both Sides of the Atlantic shows us how an unassailable consensus was built - and how it might be dismantled.

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