For many artists, drawing is both vocation and avocation. Drawing for pleasure keeps our skills sharp and allows us to expand our horizons by trying new materials and media - to say nothing of providing countless hours of enjoyment.
Scott McKowen has enjoyed a four-decade career as an award-winning illustrator and designer known across North America. Drawing is his livelihood, but he makes a constant practice of observational drawing from life. He always travels with a sketchbook - he draws everywhere from museums, restaurants, theaters and zoos, to cities, parks and on holiday. How I Draw provides an overview of Scott's draftsmanship in various media, with insights and tips guaranteed to help anyone who shares his love of drawing. Sections in this book include:
- Some Basics;
- Travel Sketchbooks;
- Cabinet of Curiosities;
- Life Drawing;
- Portraiture;
- Animals, Vegetables and Minerals;
- Lucid Drawing;
- Ephemera.
How I Draw is a delightful and inspiring tour through highlights of McKowen's impressive drawing portfolio.