Hitorijime My Hero - Volume 1

71,00 lei
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Hitorijime My Hero - Volume 1
71,00 lei

Categorii: Kodansha

Varsta Recomandata: 16-18 ani

Limba: Engleza

Data publicării: 2019

Editura: Kodansha

Tip copertă: Paperback

Nr Pag: 192

Serie: Hitorijime My Hero

Volum Din Serie: 1

ISBN: 9781632367716

Dimensiuni: l: 14.8cm | H: 20.8cm | 1.9cm | 228g

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Hitorijime My Hero - Volume 1
71,00 lei


Masahiro Setagawa doesn’t believe in heroes, but wishes he could: he’s found himself trapped in a gang of small-time street bullies, and with no prospects for a real future.

But when high school teacher (and scourge of the streets) Kousuke Ohshiba comes to his rescue, he finds he may start believing after all … in heroes, and in his budding feelings, too.

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