He Lover of Death

51,50 lei
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He Lover of Death
51,50 lei

Categorii: Diverse

Limba: Engleza

Data publicării: 2011

Editura: Phoenix

Tip copertă: Paperback

Nr Pag: 336

Traducatori: Andrew Bromfield

ISBN: 9780753828069

Dimensiuni: l: 13.1cm | H: 19.6cm

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He Lover of Death
51,50 lei



Senka Skorikov, orphan and urchin, has been abandoned to the murky world of Moscow's gangster district. While picking a pocket or two, he glimpses the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, and joins the gang of her overlord lover, The Prince, so desperate he is to meet her. Senka climbs the criminal ranks, uncovering a stash of precious metal, and gradually capturing the heart of his beloved Death - so named for the life expectancy of her lovers. But as the bandit community balks at his success on both fronts, threats on his life begin to pour in .

A dandy and his 'Chinese' sidekick seem to be taking an inordinate interest in Senka's welfare, and it becomes clear that those threatening Senka are linked to a spate of murders, grizzly even by underworld standards. Fandorin must unweave a tangled web of narcotics, false identities and organised crime - but can he survive an encounter with the ever-alluring Death unscathed? Find out in the darkest Fandorin to date!

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