D.Gray-Man - Volume 5

58,00 lei
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D.Gray-Man - Volume 5
58,00 lei

Categorii: VizMedia

Varsta Recomandata: 16-18 ani

Limba: Engleza

Data publicării: 2013

Editura: VIZ Media

Tip copertă: Paperback

Nr Pag: 186

Serie: D.Gray-Man

Volum Din Serie: 5

ISBN: 9781421510538

Dimensiuni: l: 12.6cm | H: 19cm | 1.8cm

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D.Gray-Man - Volume 5
58,00 lei


The battle against Arystar Krory and Eliade continues. With Allen's eye once again healed and operational, the truth begins to be revealed. Allen's companion Lavi realizes that Arystar may not actually be a vampire but something else entirely. By the end of the battle at Krory Castle, Allen and Lavi find themselves with an unexpected companion for their journey.

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