Cultures and Organizations

170,00 lei
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Cultures and Organizations
170,00 lei

Categorii: Neclasificate

Limba: Engleza

Data publicării: 2010

Editura: Mcgraw-Hill Education - Europe

Tip copertă: Paperback

Nr Pag: 576

ISBN: 9780071664189

Dimensiuni: l: 15cm | H: 23cm

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Cultures and Organizations
170,00 lei


This is the book I wished I could read many years ago, when I started working with international clients and colleagues. It would have saved me so much time, energy and money. And also before building and leading teams of Romanians. Because the book did a remarkable job not only in helping me better understand foreigners, but also understand more accurately myself and my fellow Romanians.

In the forward text I wrote for the Romanian translation of the book I referred to the myth of change that animates or even obsesses many leaders, managers and politicians. The main reason for failure for most change initiatives I witnessed in Romania came from importing change structures and processes that completely ignored the local cultural background in which they were supposed to bare fruits. This book is helping by providing a scientific approach to understanding and interacting with and within any culture based on measurable and comparable cultural dimensions. The prerequisite is for the book to find the reader in a place where she or he is willing to enjoy the transformation from a citizen of a country to a citizen of the world.

Cosmin Alexandru

Co-founder Teamology Institute

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