CIMA BA1 Fundamentals of Business Economics

367,00 lei
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CIMA BA1 Fundamentals of Business Economics
367,00 lei

Categorii: Neclasificat

Limba: Engleza

Data publicării: 2024

Editura: BPP Learning Media

Tip copertă: Paperback

Nr Pag: 128

ISBN: 9781035517831

Dimensiuni: l: 21cm | H: 29cm | 2.4cm | 830g

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CIMA BA1 Fundamentals of Business Economics
367,00 lei


BA1 covers the economic and operating context of business and how the factors of competition, the behaviour of financial markets and government economic policy can influence an organisation. It also deals with the information available to assist management in evaluating and forecasting the behaviour of consumers, markets and the economy in general. The focus of this syllabus is on providing candidates with an understanding of the areas of economic activity relevant to an organisation’s decisions and, within this context, the numerical techniques to support such decisions.

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