Children of the Whales - Volume 18

64,00 lei
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Children of the Whales - Volume 18
64,00 lei

Categorii: VizMedia

Varsta Recomandata: 14-16 ani, 16-18 ani

Limba: Engleza

Data publicării: 2022

Editura: VIZ Media

Tip copertă: Paperback

Nr Pag: 168

Serie: Children of the Whales

Volum Din Serie: 18

ISBN: 9781974724598

Dimensiuni: l: 14.6cm | H: 21cm | 1.8cm | 218g

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Children of the Whales - Volume 18
64,00 lei


In this postapocalyptic fantasy, a sea of sand swallows everything but the past.

In an endless sea of sand drifts the Mud Whale, a floating island city of clay and magic. In its chambers a small community clings to survival, cut off from its own history by the shadows of the past.

The Mud Whale has been overrun with tarichos, a virulent parasitic growth that turns everyone it touches into mindless husks controlled by the Nous Geraki. The only way to stop the spread of the tarichos is to destroy the Nous, but that won't be an easy task-or one without sacrifice.

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