Arms and the Man, The Devil's Disciple, Caesar and Cleopatra

81,00 lei
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Arms and the Man, The Devil's Disciple, Caesar and Cleopatra
81,00 lei

Categorii: Neclasificat, Neclasificat

Limba: Engleza

Data publicării: 2021

Editura: Oxford University Press

Tip copertă: Paperback

Nr Pag: 352

ISBN: 9780198800712

Dimensiuni: l: 12.9cm | H: 19.6cm

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Arms and the Man, The Devil's Disciple, Caesar and Cleopatra
81,00 lei


Arms and the Man, The Devil's Disciple, Caesar and Cleopatra are some of Shaw's most popular and frequently performed works. They demonstrate the development of Shavian comedy and contain early formulations of his idea of the Superman, an extraordinary individual who catalyzes the evolution of mankind.
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