Also a History of Philosophy, Volume 1

280,00 lei
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Also a History of Philosophy, Volume 1
280,00 lei

Categorii: Diverse, Diverse

Limba: Engleza

Data publicării: 2023

Editura: Polity Press

Tip copertă: Hardcover

Nr Pag: 448

Traducatori: Ciaran Cronin

ISBN: 9781509543892

Dimensiuni: l: 16cm | H: 24cm | 4.1cm | 800g

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Also a History of Philosophy, Volume 1
280,00 lei


This is the first volume of a ground-breaking new work by Jürgen Habermas on the history of philosophy.

In this major new work, Habermas sets out the ideas that inform his systematic account of the history of Western philosophy as a genealogy of postmetaphysical thinking. His account goes far beyond a vindication of the enduring relevance of philosophical reflection founded on communicative reason as a source of orientation in the modern world.

He contrasts this conception with prominent diagnoses of the supposed crisis of Enlightenment reason and culture that seeks redemption in the affirmation of traditional religious authority (Schmitt), the timeless validity of Greek metaphysics (Strauss), a numinous conception of nature (Löwith), and an occurrence of being that speaks to us from beyond the mists of pre-Socratic thought (Heidegger).

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